Thursday, August 26, 2010


I recently ordered towel hooks for the bathroom (to keep Pete and I from taking each other's towel). I was getting ready to hang them today and noticed the 'P' and the 'C'.

In 1999 I applied and was accepted to the Peace Corp as well as applied and accepted to the school Portfolio Center. At the time I had to pick one PC or the other. And ever since PC has meant something to me. I chose Portfolio Center then. Now, I just have to pick my towel off the C. I find it interesting that PC has surfaced again and I love this photo for reminding me of my PCs of the past.


It was a busy morning at the studio. I had to run out Maya, the studio dog, several times. She kept taking the stuffed bear I had on set (as a stand in) and hiding it. Here is a celebration of the birth. First child, Madeline. You give birth, I'll take the photos.